1 press the casting material pressing block device. Material pressing block for easy storage and reduce the recycling process of transportation, smelting loss.
2 mixer is used for mixing sand and core sand casting equipment. Sand mixing machine generally has the following functions: sand, sand, sand binder and auxiliary materials are mixed evenly.
3 shakeout machine using vibration and shock to the molding sand and casting mold separation casting equipment. Shakeout machine vibration source is divided into the mechanical, electromagnetic and pneumatic.
4 shot blasting machine using shot blasting throwing projectiles cleaning or strengthen the surface of the casting foundry equipment. Shot blast machine at the same time of the casting sand, core removing and cleaning.
5 core making machine for manufacturing core of the casting equipment. According to the business core sand compaction method different, core making machine can be divided into shock type core making machine, core machine and the core shooting machine.
6 molding machine used in the manufacture of sand casting equipment. Its main function is to: fill sand, loose sand in the sand box, compaction of molding sand.
7 casting machine for the introduction of liquid metal into mould cavity in the mold opened within the channel. Including: sprue cup, sprue, runner, gate.