Micro-shock compacting
moulding machine can be in sand was compacted at the same time, make plate, sand and the sand for high frequency, small amplitude of vibration. When the sand fill loose sand, sand there are still a lot of space between, when directly make template vibration, the energy to the grains of sand, make in constant motion to find new equilibrium position, so as to fill the void, improve its compactness. In the compaction process continue to additional vibration, in addition to the outside effect, still can make sand and sand box wall between the external friction resistance decreases, and further increase the compaction effect. So additional vibration can significantly improve pressure real-time compactness uneven phenomenon. Compaction simultaneously microtremor can also gain than pure compaction higher average compactness, because microtremor can improve the sand in the process of tight liquidity, so can in the same compaction ratio pressure gain than pure compaction higher average compactness and more uniform density distribution. Micro shock compacting
moulding machine can not only in compaction simultaneously micro shock, and in sand process it can be used for micro shock, the so-called compaction before the preliminary shock. This will increase the sand box of sand filling quantity, improving sand mold of the original compactness and compactness uniformity; Can reduce pre-filled box height, reduce compaction piston stroke, especially for in box or complex model modelling advantage.
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sand moulding machine will be sent our domestic clients.