the core shooter machine joint cavity in the body by cylinder fixed on dynamic template driven by four guide shaft and horizontal motion, fixed pin core system ejector, moving die reverse push rod top core.
shoot head is designed for mobile, radiation cavity sand and shoot sand respectively in two different location. Mobile shot head before and after the four roller hanging in the guide. Shoot head shot cavity by four pressure spring and shell, combining mobile radiation driven by cylinder head in sand, shoot sand work run back and forth, core shooter sand cavity after stress will shoot head and core box pressure, pressure to loosen after pressure spring will shoot head automatic reset.
shot mechanism consists of a pneumatic shoot sand device, sand institutions and shoot sand device composition.
sand mechanism at the top is the sand bucket, below is sand ram. It with mobile shot head shot cavity anastomosis, core sand inflow shot cavity, when mobile shot head into the shot sand station when disc spring reset, dragging disc along the orbit close sand transition mouth.
shot sand device by the air bag, shoot sand exhaust valve, blow pressure head, pressure cylinder composition. The core shooter by head pressure cylinder driving, can move up and down, to realize the compression, loosen, when shot head into the shot sand station, head to shoot sand mouth will shoot head pressing and core box pasting, open shot sand valve, air bag compressed air, the electromagnetic valve head into the shot cavity, its into core box, complete shoot sand movement, the residual air the head by the electromagnetic valve switching valve excluded, core shooter head back at the same time, shoot sand device will go more than sand scraping.
curing time by the or so die curing time to control, curing time, alarm warning.

produceing the
core shooter